To all the mothers out there, (and especially my own) Happy Mother's Day! None of us could be here without your love and support.

After John finishes singing in choir today, we're off to Metairie and New Orleans to celebrate Mother's Day with John's grandmother, aunt, and uncle. Coincidentally, John's grandmother and aunt both have birthdays within the next week and a half, so we'll

be celebrating that too, as well as dropping off our potted plants so they can be cared for while we are in Virginia. Plans for today include eating at one of our favorite restaurants, Mandina's, gift-giving to two very wonderful women, and enjoying each other's company. Ever since finals ended, I've worked on making paper roses and daffodils this week so we can each present each mom with a bouquet of flowers. It took longer than I thought--a whopping 11 hours of tracing and cutting out approximately 200 petals, shaping them, and gluing and taping them to wire stems. It's definitely the most I've ever done for people who aren't actually my mother on Mother's Day!
Of course, it's all worth it, because they have been such good family to us I since we've moved here. So, three cheers for mothers everywhere!
(And, in case you were wondering about my last blog entry--my cookies never made it past their prototype stage. I was feeling horrendously ill when the time came, but never fear--the cookie prototypes were still devoured through the week.)
You make cool stuff Mommy!!
these flowers look great! i thought they were real until i read the post!
have a great day!!
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