Sunday, July 20, 2008

Happiness is....

John and I went to Wegman's today where we found a 3-lb. bag of "child size" gala apples. I love the child sized apples because they are just the perfect amount of apple for me during lunchtime. We then went to the bulk candy aisle (because Wegman's has the best bulk candy aisle there ever was) where I spotted a bin of giant Now and Laters. Here's a little known fact about me: I am obsessed over the banana flavored Now and Laters, even though I dislike actual bananas. What a joy-filled time it was for me to be able to pick out a bunch of banana Now and Laters and purchase only those (with a couple of apple flavored ones thrown in for good measure, of course) for my eating pleasure.


a sunlit dreaming tree said...

I ONLY LIKE BANANA FLAVORED LAFFY TAFFY!!! No real bananas for this girl, either! :) :)

What a strange and cool thing to have in common! <3

s. wells said...

ooh banana flavored. yum.